Created by the governor. Made of the people.

We formed the council by bringing together a diverse group of people in Wyoming. They come from all over the state with a variety of backgrounds, from Chiefs of Police and court judges to coroners and concerned citizens.

NameOfficial TitleDepartment
Hill, BridgetAttorney General (Co-Chair)Wyoming Attorney General’s Office
Roberts, WesleyRetired Judge (Co-Chair)Judicial Outreach Liaison
Allen, JasonChief of EnforcementWyoming Liquor Division
Beers, CodyPublic Relations/Tribal LiaisonWyoming Department of Transportation
Black, RobertEducation ConsultantWyoming Department of Education
Cameron, Timothy ColonelWyoming Highway Patrol
Carlson, MatthewHighway Safety Program ManagerWyoming Department of Transportation
Cooper, NoelExecutive DirectorInjury Prevention Resources
Dirienzo, SaraPolicy AnalystGovernor Mark Gordon’s Office
Gooden-Rice, CarolCommunity Engagement SpecialistSADD
Gordy, KristieSenior AdministratorWyoming Department of Family Services
Groth, MatthewPublic Affairs AdministratorWyoming Department of Transportation
Harrington ColtanField Services HS BehavioralWyoming Department of Corrections
James, KarsonGrants ManagerWyoming Department of Transportation
Jones, RobertDivision of Criminal InvestigationsWyoming Attorney General’s Office
Kozak, BrianSherriffLaramie County
Logan, ScottEMS Licensing CoordinatorWyoming Emergency Medical Services
Lanzer, FrancisRegional Executive DirectorMothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
Nuss, RachelCommunity Prevention Unit ManagerWyoming Department Of Health-Public Health Division
Reed, JosephLaboratory AdministratorWyoming Department of Health
Roden, RyanDeputy State Public DefenderWyoming Public Defender’s Office
Rossetti, TaylorDriver Services AdministratorWyoming Department of Transportation
Schluck, AshleyWyoming TSRPProsecuting and County Attorneys
Sharpe, StevenDistrict Court JudgeWyoming District Courts
Shatto, KerryCitizenDouglas WY
Thompson, AllenExecutive DirectorWyoming Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police
Walsh, ChristopherExecutive DirectorWyoming Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission
Whipps, JamesCoronerNatrona County Coroner’s Office
Williams, AntoinetteCircuit Court JudgeWyoming Circuit Courts

Council Support Staff

NameOfficial TitleDepartment
Adriaens, RichardCouncil FacilitatorWYGCID
Shassetz, JeniferScheduling/PlanningWYGCID