24/7 Sobriety Program
Inspired by the success of the 24/7 Sobriety Program in South Dakota, Wyoming created one as well. The program allows people with alcohol or drug related crimes to avoid jail on the condition that they don’t drink any alcohol or use any drugs.
Law enforcement monitors participants closely, regularly testing for alcohol and drugs to ensure they’re following the program’s guidelines. If a participant doesn’t follow them, they’re given an immediate, and usually brief, incarceration.
The program is a win-win for Wyoming. It helps improve community safety by keeping potentially impaired drivers sober while reducing the number of people in prison and jail.
What It Means for Drivers
7 13 1703. 24/7 sobriety program created. – From the Wyoming State Legislature.
- (a) There is created a 24/7 sobriety program to be administered by the attorney general. The purpose of the program is to reduce the number of repeat crimes that are related to substance abuse by monitoring an offender’s sobriety through intensive alcohol and drug testing and immediate and appropriate enforcement of violations.
- (b) The program shall provide for frequent and certain testing for drug or alcohol use. The testing methods may include breath testing, drug patch testing, urinalysis, continuous or transdermal alcohol monitoring or other testing methods as provided by rule.

7 13 1704. Inclusion in program.
- (a) Each county, through its sheriff, may take part in the program. A sheriff may designate an entity to provide the testing services or to take any other action authorized to be taken by the sheriff under this article with the exception of action taken to apprehend a violator under W.S. 7 13 1709.
- (b) The sheriff shall establish the testing locations and times for his county but shall have at least one (1) testing location and two (2) daily testing times approximately twelve (12) hours apart.
7 13 1709. Apprehension of violators.
- (a) Upon failure of a person to submit to or pass a test under the program, a peace officer or a probation and parole agent shall complete a written statement establishing the person, in the judgment of the officer or agent, violated a condition of release by failing to submit to or pass a test. A peace officer shall immediately arrest the person without warrant after completing or receiving the written statement.
- (b) A person taken into custody under this section shall appear before a court within a reasonable time and shall not be released unless the person has made a personal appearance before a court.